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Marathon Training Tips

Helping you to run a succesful marathon!

Valuable training advice for beginner marathoners and experienced runners alike. Based on practical experience gained over 20 years of running marathons, this book is a useful addition to every marathoner's training library.

"I am training for my second marathon, and this book has exactly the kind of information I was looking for"

M.H. Peoria, IL

                                          *** Features ***

Marathon Training Tips
  $10.25 + $2.75 shipping and handling

(Regular retail $11.95)

PersonalLogs.com This is not just another marathon program training manual. The focus is on the key training tips that will really make the difference in your marathon performance
PersonalLogs.com You will relate to the authors, who been there and struggled like most marathoners, at one time or another
PersonalLogs.com Learn the basic principles of a good training schedule. Avoid the pitfalls!
PersonalLogs.com Race day strategies - how you should adapt to the different conditions and physical challenges during the race.
PersonalLogs.com For first time marathon runners, the topics covered will help you reach the finish line comfortably.
PersonalLogs.com Every marathon runner will benefit from the many helpful hints based on practical marathon training experience learned over the years.
PersonalLogs.com Includes chapters on how to avoid injuries during training, race day strategies, recovering from the marathon, diet, and lots more!
PersonalLogs.com 104 pages, illustrated, Three levels of training schedules, lots of tables and guides.

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Marathon Training Tips: Table of Contents




PersonalLogs.com        Picking a Training Program that’s right for you
PersonalLogs.com        Getting Started
PersonalLogs.com        Performance Improvement
PersonalLogs.com        Staying Healthy
PersonalLogs.com        Recovering from an injury
PersonalLogs.com        Eat for success
PersonalLogs.com        The Weekly Long Run
PersonalLogs.com        Keeping Focused
PersonalLogs.com        Pre-Race Week
PersonalLogs.com        Marathon Day Strategies
PersonalLogs.com        The Race
PersonalLogs.com        Marathon Recovery
PersonalLogs.com        Last thoughts…
PersonalLogs.com        Appendix A: Pacing Chart
PersonalLogs.com        Appendix B: More Resources
PersonalLogs.com        Your Race Results

Following is an excerpt from Marathon Training Tips:

Chapter 2: Picking a Training Program that’s right for you

Selecting a marathon training program that suits your abilities and goals is not as simple as it may seem. Each and every runner is different, with differing levels of experience and capabilities (just look at all of the different running styles you see out there). So how can choosing from only a handful of training schedules fit your specific needs? Let’s take a closer look…

 Abilities and Susceptibilities.

We’re all good at some aspect of running. You have to be able to make a realistic assessment of your strengths and limitations. My own strength is the ability to run middle distances (Half marathon) at a fairly good pace (for me) and finish comfortably. My weaker runs are in short fast races like a 5K. I also find I am more injury prone doing this. So, take a hard look at your previous race results, try and ascertain why you finished where you did, and set your marathon goals accordingly. Know your weak points.

The Training Goal.

Before you decide on a specific training schedule, it’s worth looking at the main goals of any marathon training program. The reason for having a schedule at all is to provide a training structure for you to accomplish the following: 

  1. Build strength in the appropriate muscles
  2. Build endurance – do any active sport (tennis, cycling, hiking) for 3 to 4 hours without much of a break and you’ll be tired
  3. Build mental stamina – when your body gets tired, it’s your brain that keeps you going.

 When you add all this up what you get is Experience! Your body will get used to the extra demands you place on it. George Sheehan used to call this “miles in the bank”!

The Training Schedule.

Now let’s look at some training mileage charts. I’ve looked at quite a few marathon programs and I am astonished at the differences between them - from 9 to 21 weeks long, average miles per week varying from 30 to 50, speed workouts, number and frequency of long runs…. It’s confusing!

So how do you choose your program?

1. Select your experience level

Some of the training schedules have different mileage charts depending on your experience and ability. Here is a typical classification chart:

è These are only guidelines, and there is overlap between the categories. Many factors influence your ability to meet a marathon time goal. 


Expected finish times

Number of Marathons

Other Factors

1: Beginner

Over 3h 30m

Less than 5

Ø        Your Age & Gender

Ø        10 k results

Ø        Previous injuries

Ø       Your personal goal

2: Intermediate

3h 10m to 4h 30m

More than 3

3: Experienced

2h 50m or more

More than 8

4: Elite

Competitive racer, sub 2h 30m marathon

2. Select the best training program for you 

Ø      Pick the category above that best fits your experience.

Ø      Be realistic - the marathon is a tough race, so be conservative about your training goals (as well as your expected race pace and finish time)

Ø      Look for a training schedule that applies to this level. If necessary, adapt the program to your own needs.

è  Check with your doctor, especially first time marathoners!  

3. A good schedule will stick to sound basic principles:

It’s easy for beginner marathoners especially to get drawn into training programs that are really too ambitious for their level of experience. This is true even for those folks who can run fairly fast 10K races.

Things to avoid.

You may not agree with all of these, but they reflect my personal preferences and experience. 

Ø      Long runs over 20 miles. It’s not necessary to run 24, or 25 mile training runs to have a good marathon.

Ø      Too many 20-mile runs. One or two should be enough for most people.

Ø      Speedwork! Again, I don’t think you need to include this type of training for a marathon. It increases your risk of getting injured. If you run two or three races during your training period this will be sufficient.

Ø      Over-training.  Don’t leave your marathon PB time on the training trails!


Debbie’s Footnotes:

Choosing a training program can be complicated, especially for a first time marathoner. Being able to set realistic goals, finding information and answers to your questions, staying motivated during training are all factors in selecting a training schedule that will work for you.  When you set this goal you'll look for the best event to fit your expectations, strengths, limitations and what you can learn from the experience.  Our schedules will be most helpful when planning your weeks of training.

Training is a 'big part' of the marathon experience.  You'll find plenty of advice and encouragement along the way.  Joining a running club or having a buddy will be a sure way of keeping focused and motivated through training.  What you bring to a marathon race is what you have achieved during training.  We all learn from the experience and can be proud to be called a marathon runner.


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