Fitness Test Details

A Self-Assessment You Can Do At Home

Take the first step in improving your health & fitness

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* Find out where you rank on the fitness test scale

* Use as a base to track your fitness progress

* Why you need a fitness assessment in the first place

* Learn which areas you should concentrate on

* Tailor your lifestyle & workouts to maximise your health

* The Fitness Test is based on up-to-date health information from accredited sources

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About The Test

What is The Complete Fitness Test?

It is a carefully researched questionnaire (plus a few simple exercises) that covers all the key components  that contribute to your level of  fitness. (see the List of Reference Sources at the end of this page),

The test is designed as a self-assessment that people can do by themselves to determine their overall fitness level.

Although physical fitness is a major part of a healthy lifestyle it is by no means the only one you need to concentrate on. Your overall wellness is what you should try to improve and maintain, especially as you get older.

The test is divided into five key sections:

  • Physical Fitness

  • Nutrition 

  • Stress Levels

  • Physical Health

  • Brain Health

Each section is separate so you can do just one at a time if you wish.

The important benefit you'll get from completing the test is the fact that you've taken a systematic review of your own wellness. You can use this as a benchmark to see how much progress you are making as you go along.

Doing the test: This is easy to do although there are almost 100 questions (and some exercises). It will take you about 15 - 20 minutes to complete. Don't worry too much about your final score (although you may want to check with your health professional if it's really low!).

Important Note: This test is only intended to give you an idea where you could be on the wellness scale. It is not a substitute for a complete analysis and assessment by a health professional.

List of Source References and Links to more information:

The questions in the test have been carefully researched and verified. Here is the list of main references used in compiling the test questions. There is some fascinating reading here about all aspects of our health and fitness.

1 Nutrition

1-1 James Beckerman, M.D. Article:  "Eat a salad every day"  Dr. Beckerman is author of “The Flex Diet: Design-Your-Own Weight Loss Plan” (Simon & Schuster, 2010).

( )

 1-2  Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN, American Institute for Cancer Research, Article: "More Vegetables, More Colors" Jan 11 2010 - "Specific goals range from two to three cups of dark green vegetables and one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half cups of orange vegetables per week. We could accomplish these goals by choosing a half-cup serving of each almost daily, or larger servings several times a week".

 1-3 Ying Bao, M.D., Sc.D., Study: Association of Nut Consumption with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality published in New England Journal of Medicine (

 1-4 Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, Article: "Are You Eating Enough Fish?" Sept. 4, 2015

"I believe in food first, which means eating fish about twice a week".



a) The American Cancer Institute, Article: "Recommendations for Cancer Prevention" Suggests avoiding processed meat and limiting red meat to no more than 18 ounces per week. Based on a 4-ounce serving, these weekly recommendations translate into eating a maximum of 4-5 servings weekly.

b) Mayo Clinic Staff, Article "Meatless meals: The benefits of eating less meat"

1-6 Mayo Clinic Staff, Article: " Water: How much should you drink every day? "

1-7 Lorien E. Urban, PHD, Study: "Energy Contents of Frequently Ordered Restaurant Meals..." April 2016

1-8 Rachel K. Johnson, PhD, et al, Study: Dietary "Sugars Intake and Cardiovascular Health" A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Sept. 15, 2009  (Download PDF)

This report recommends no more than 100 calories per day (6 teaspoons or 24 grams) of added sugars for women and no more than 150 calories per day (9 teaspoons or 36 grams) for men.

2 Fitness

2-1 The AHA recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 5 days per week for a total of 150 minutes

American Heart Association, Article: "Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults" February 2014


a) Neville Owen, PhD et al. "Sedentary Behavior: Emerging Evidence for a New Health Risk" 2010

b) James A. Levine, M.D., Ph.D. Article: "What are the risks of sitting too much?"

3. Stress Level


a) American Psychological Association: "Stress"

b) WebMD Article: "Stress Management - Causes of Stress"

c) Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, " Essentials of Managing Stress, Third Edition", 2014,ISBN-13: 9781449698027

3-2 Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Article: "Stress and Anxiety Interfere With Sleep"

3-3 Mayo Clinic Staff, Article "Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress"

4 General health

4-1 While there is no conclusive evidence that a strong immune system can help ward off the common cold, when it comes to the flu' your immune system can definitely make a difference.

a) The Dana Sourcebook of Immunology, "The Immune System’s Role in Protection"  January, 2006

b) Here's an interesting article on the immune system

Harvard Health Publications, "How to boost your immune system -Tips to fight disease and strengthen immunity" September 2014, Updated: June 15, 2016

4-2 Healthline - Kati Blake and George Krucik, MD, MBA, Article: "What causes loss of appetite? 160 possible conditions", 2012

4-3 Being overweight is usually associated with present or future health problems, but this may not always be the case...

Patrick J. Skerrett, Former Executive Editor -Harvard Health, Article: "Overweight and healthy: the concept of metabolically healthy obesity"

5 Brain Health

5-1 Fortanesce, Website: "Test Your Real Brain Age"

5-2 See the note on fish Oil supplements in Section 1 - Nutrition


5-3 Mayo Clinic - 5 tips to keep your brain healthy

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